Much of what the mainstream media reports is nonsense: bias and scare stories. The news is broken.

Your donation helps us push back against it. Today, because of coronavirus, government will give out loans and grants. We WON'T take any. So your donation is even more important now.

We're being censored!

A group called Climate Feedback called my video Are We Doomed “misleading and partly false.” Facebook has stopped showing it to people! Since I can’t respond to all Climate Feedback’s scurrilous charges in a short video, I post a fuller point by point rebuttal here:  

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The free market is voluntary, everyone gets to choose his own path. That’s justice. Injustice is forcing people to do what their rulers decide is fair.
—John Stossel
John Stossel Emmy

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A Dam Good Argument

Instead of using fossil fuels, we’re told to use “clean” energy: wind, solar or hydropower. Hydro is the most reliable. Unlike wind and sunlight, it flows steadily. But now, environmental…Read More

A Dam Good Argument

September 4, 2024

Instead of using fossil fuels, we’re told to use “clean” energy: wind, solar or hydropower. Hydro is the most reliable. Unlike wind and sunlight, it flows steadily. But now, environmental…Read More

Fact Check: RFK Jr.

Presidential candidate RFK Jr. suspended his campaign last week and endorsed Donald Trump. I disagree with Kennedy about a lot. But at least he was willing to talk to people…Read More

Fact Check: RFK Jr.

August 28, 2024

Presidential candidate RFK Jr. suspended his campaign last week and endorsed Donald Trump. I disagree with Kennedy about a lot. But at least he was willing to talk to people…Read More

The REAL Kamala Harris

Who is Kamala Harris? What does she believe? It’s hard to know. She won’t take questions from reporters. Instead, she reads from a teleprompter and gives the same speech again…Read More

The REAL Kamala Harris

August 22, 2024

Who is Kamala Harris? What does she believe? It’s hard to know. She won’t take questions from reporters. Instead, she reads from a teleprompter and gives the same speech again…Read More