Government pretends it must have a place at the table, but free people ought to be able to eat without government permission.
—John Stossel
If we could just limit governments’ interference to protecting property rights, markets will work their magic and end most poverty.
—John Stossel
We rarely help the poor by “spreading the wealth.” What works is economic freedom. When countries have it, people prosper.
—John Stossel
I once viewed the marketplace as a cruel place, where we need intervention by government and lawyers to protect people. But after watching regulators work, I have come to believe that market competition is the best protector of consumers. Now I consider it my job to explain the near magical benefits of the free market.
—John Stossel
People on the left and right believe government should promote good things, and discourage bad things. But that is a license for the control-freaks to stick their noises into everything we do.
—John Stossel
Competition gives us better cars, computers, movies, music… It would work for education too, if we’d just let it.
—John Stossel
When government takes your money and tries to create equality, everyone becomes poorer, and less free.
—John Stossel
Life is fairer when individuals are free to make their own decisions.
—John Stossel
Free speech matters. If we give in to those who would shut us up, the speech police will push and push until we have no freedom left.
—John Stossel
If government were less important in our lives, politicians would have fewer goodies to trade. In return, we'd have more money, and more freedom.
—John Stossel
Politicians talk about allowing guns for hunting, but the right to keep and bear arms is not about letting some people shoot deer, it’s about letting all of us shoot criminals and tyrants.
—John Stossel
One can love nature but still hate the tyranny the green movement demands.
—John Stossel
When the state’s rules are wrong, ignore them through selective civil disobedience. Lets rebuild America without permission.
—John Stossel
Let government make the decisions, we’ll have far fewer choices, or no choice at all.
—John Stossel
Those sweet words, "social justice”, really mean that the state gets to use force to take money from some people and give it to somebody else.
—John Stossel
Increased government control rarely helps people. It wrecks economies. It wrecks lives.
—John Stossel
Government has no wealth of its own. Before it gives anything to anyone, it must take from those who produced it.