Tax Freedom in Puerto Rico

Want to pay no federal income tax? Move to Puerto Rico. Really. If you move to the island, you can legally pay none. There’s also no capital gains tax. You…Read More

Tax Freedom in Puerto Rico

August 4, 2022

Want to pay no federal income tax? Move to Puerto Rico. Really. If you move to the island, you can legally pay none. There’s also no capital gains tax. You…Read More

COVID’s Good News

At least the pandemic had a silver lining. It taught parents that there are better alternatives to government schools. When COVID hit, bureaucrats in control were eager to close schools….Read More

COVID’s Good News

July 27, 2022

At least the pandemic had a silver lining. It taught parents that there are better alternatives to government schools. When COVID hit, bureaucrats in control were eager to close schools….Read More

Where’s the Beef?

How can it be that with so much cattle in America, we sometimes can’t buy meat? At the beginning of the pandemic, Costco, Wegmans and Kroger limited purchases of beef….Read More

Where’s the Beef?

July 20, 2022

How can it be that with so much cattle in America, we sometimes can’t buy meat? At the beginning of the pandemic, Costco, Wegmans and Kroger limited purchases of beef….Read More

Dictator Envy

Some Western leaders envy dictators’ powers. President Donald Trump said, when North Korea’s Kim Jong-un speaks, “his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”…Read More

Dictator Envy

July 13, 2022

Some Western leaders envy dictators’ powers. President Donald Trump said, when North Korea’s Kim Jong-un speaks, “his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.”…Read More

Change the Constitution?

This Fourth of July, watching people fight over what the Constitution means, I ask people, if you could change the Constitution, what would you change? “The forefathers knew what they were…Read More

Change the Constitution?

July 6, 2022

This Fourth of July, watching people fight over what the Constitution means, I ask people, if you could change the Constitution, what would you change? “The forefathers knew what they were…Read More