Windmills and Solar Panel
Green Dreams

The Green New Deal’s goal is to move America to zero carbon emissions in 10 years. “That’s a goal you could only imagine possible if you have no idea how…Read More

Windmills and Solar Panel

Green Dreams

April 29, 2019

The Green New Deal’s goal is to move America to zero carbon emissions in 10 years. “That’s a goal you could only imagine possible if you have no idea how…Read More

Right to Print Arms
Right to Print Arms

Are you very afraid? 3D-printed guns are coming. “Virtually undetectable!” shrieked CNN. “This changes the safety of Americans forever!” shrieked MSNBC. Does it? Six years ago, a company called Defense…Read More

Right to Print Arms

Right to Print Arms

April 17, 2019

Are you very afraid? 3D-printed guns are coming. “Virtually undetectable!” shrieked CNN. “This changes the safety of Americans forever!” shrieked MSNBC. Does it? Six years ago, a company called Defense…Read More

Zuckerberg Cronyism
Zuckerberg Cronyism

Please, regulate me! That was Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s message to Congress recently. “Lawmakers often tell me we have too much power over speech, and frankly I agree,” he wrote…Read More

Zuckerberg Cronyism

Zuckerberg Cronyism

April 10, 2019

Please, regulate me! That was Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s message to Congress recently. “Lawmakers often tell me we have too much power over speech, and frankly I agree,” he wrote…Read More

Breakfast Isn’t Important

I skipped breakfast again this morning. I won’t worry about it. Yes, I’ve heard the advice. “It’s the most important meal of the day.” It balances blood sugar levels, kick-starts…Read More


Breakfast Isn’t Important

April 3, 2019

I skipped breakfast again this morning. I won’t worry about it. Yes, I’ve heard the advice. “It’s the most important meal of the day.” It balances blood sugar levels, kick-starts…Read More

The Socialist Fantasy

Venezuela is a disaster. Yet 20 years ago, it was the wealthiest country in Latin America. It still has the world’s biggest oil reserves. It should be a happy and…Read More

The Socialist Fantasy

March 27, 2019

Venezuela is a disaster. Yet 20 years ago, it was the wealthiest country in Latin America. It still has the world’s biggest oil reserves. It should be a happy and…Read More