Naughty vs. Nice

Who should be on Santa’s naughty and nice lists this Christmas? Naughty: I’d give lumps of coal to: Federal bureaucrats, whose rigid rules delayed COVID-19 tests. The CDC wouldn’t allow…Read More

Naughty vs. Nice

December 23, 2020

Who should be on Santa’s naughty and nice lists this Christmas? Naughty: I’d give lumps of coal to: Federal bureaucrats, whose rigid rules delayed COVID-19 tests. The CDC wouldn’t allow…Read More

Hero or Traitor?

President Donald Trump should pardon Edward Snowden. Who? I know, it’s embarrassing — Assange, Manning, Snowden… Who did what? I got them confused before I researched this topic. National security…Read More

Hero or Traitor?

December 16, 2020

President Donald Trump should pardon Edward Snowden. Who? I know, it’s embarrassing — Assange, Manning, Snowden… Who did what? I got them confused before I researched this topic. National security…Read More

Investment Con

Want to make money and help the world, too? Wall Street says you can! If you invest in “socially responsible” funds, say big investment funds like BlackRock, Parnassus, TIAA-CREF, etc.,…Read More

Investment Con

December 9, 2020

Want to make money and help the world, too? Wall Street says you can! If you invest in “socially responsible” funds, say big investment funds like BlackRock, Parnassus, TIAA-CREF, etc.,…Read More

Better Than Charity

Many of us will give money to charity this month. Americans give more than any other people in the world. Good for us. 56 years ago, because American charities hadn’t…Read More

Better Than Charity

December 2, 2020

Many of us will give money to charity this month. Americans give more than any other people in the world. Good for us. 56 years ago, because American charities hadn’t…Read More

Private Property’s Harvest

I’m thankful. Yes, we’ve got the pandemic, lockdowns, a worsening deficit, etc. But we still live in a relatively free country at the most prosperous time in human history. The…Read More

Private Property’s Harvest

November 25, 2020

I’m thankful. Yes, we’ve got the pandemic, lockdowns, a worsening deficit, etc. But we still live in a relatively free country at the most prosperous time in human history. The…Read More

The Climate Hustle

I hear that climate change will destroy much of the world. “There will be irreversible damage to the planet!” warns a CNN anchor. Joe Biden says he’ll spend $500 billion a year…Read More

The Climate Hustle

November 18, 2020

I hear that climate change will destroy much of the world. “There will be irreversible damage to the planet!” warns a CNN anchor. Joe Biden says he’ll spend $500 billion a year…Read More

Freeloader U

Yale University has fancy dining halls. They pay no property tax. Local restaurants struggle to compete, but their tax burden makes that hard. “We basically pay one-third of our rent…Read More

Freeloader U

November 11, 2020

Yale University has fancy dining halls. They pay no property tax. Local restaurants struggle to compete, but their tax burden makes that hard. “We basically pay one-third of our rent…Read More

Don’t Freak Out

Worried about Tuesday? Remember: The most important parts of life happen outside politics. Love, friendship, family, raising children, building businesses, worship, charity work — that is the stuff of life! Politicians get…Read More

Don’t Freak Out

October 28, 2020

Worried about Tuesday? Remember: The most important parts of life happen outside politics. Love, friendship, family, raising children, building businesses, worship, charity work — that is the stuff of life! Politicians get…Read More

Bet the Election

Donald Trump will probably lose the election. As I write, The Economist says he has only an 8% chance of winning. Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight, which came closest to predicting Trump’s…Read More

Bet the Election

October 21, 2020

Donald Trump will probably lose the election. As I write, The Economist says he has only an 8% chance of winning. Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight, which came closest to predicting Trump’s…Read More

A Tale of Two Camps

When COVID-19 hit, I quarantined in Eastern Massachusetts. Biking around the woods, I noticed something strange. There are two campgrounds near my house. One is full. Lots of people pitch…Read More

A Tale of Two Camps

October 14, 2020

When COVID-19 hit, I quarantined in Eastern Massachusetts. Biking around the woods, I noticed something strange. There are two campgrounds near my house. One is full. Lots of people pitch…Read More