Better Than a Loan

Student loan debt keeps growing. There is a better solution than the ones politicians offer, which stick the taxpayer or the loan lenders with the whole bill. It’s called an…Read More

Better Than a Loan

October 23, 2019

Student loan debt keeps growing. There is a better solution than the ones politicians offer, which stick the taxpayer or the loan lenders with the whole bill. It’s called an…Read More

Different Sexes

The media keep telling us: There’s no difference between male and female brains. I don’t believe it. Many of you must be skeptical, too. Seventeen million people watched my old…Read More

Different Sexes

October 16, 2019

The media keep telling us: There’s no difference between male and female brains. I don’t believe it. Many of you must be skeptical, too. Seventeen million people watched my old…Read More

Domestic and Foreign Wars

Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is controversial within her party. She says the U.S. should talk to its enemies. She was criticized for meeting with Syrian dictator Bashar Assad….Read More

Domestic and Foreign Wars

October 9, 2019

Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is controversial within her party. She says the U.S. should talk to its enemies. She was criticized for meeting with Syrian dictator Bashar Assad….Read More

Stop Blocking Us!

I now make my living by releasing short videos on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I assumed you who subscribed to my feed or became Facebook “friends” would receive that video every…Read More

Stop Blocking Us!

October 2, 2019

I now make my living by releasing short videos on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I assumed you who subscribed to my feed or became Facebook “friends” would receive that video every…Read More

New Countries at Sea

When political arguments aren’t getting you anywhere, what can you do? Start your own country! Unfortunately, most of the world’s land is controlled by rapacious governments unwilling to let others…Read More

New Countries at Sea

September 25, 2019

When political arguments aren’t getting you anywhere, what can you do? Start your own country! Unfortunately, most of the world’s land is controlled by rapacious governments unwilling to let others…Read More

Good News

I rarely watch cable news anymore. It’s all hysteria, all the time. CNN: “We are destroying the planet.” MSNBC: “The middle class is disappearing!” President Donald Trump says drug trafficking…Read More

Good News

September 18, 2019

I rarely watch cable news anymore. It’s all hysteria, all the time. CNN: “We are destroying the planet.” MSNBC: “The middle class is disappearing!” President Donald Trump says drug trafficking…Read More

Better Schools

With most services, you get to shop around, but rarely can you do that with government-run schools. Philadelphia mom Elaine Wells was upset to learn that there were fights every…Read More

Better Schools

September 11, 2019

With most services, you get to shop around, but rarely can you do that with government-run schools. Philadelphia mom Elaine Wells was upset to learn that there were fights every…Read More

Recovering from Labor

On Labor Day, did you celebrate workers? More likely, you made it a day of rest. Fine. It’s good to have a choice. I didn’t have a choice about joining…Read More

Recovering from Labor

September 4, 2019

On Labor Day, did you celebrate workers? More likely, you made it a day of rest. Fine. It’s good to have a choice. I didn’t have a choice about joining…Read More

Bad Law Keeps People Poor

Why does most of Africa stay poor while other parts of the world prosper? People blame things like climate, the history of colonialism, racism, etc. But I say Senegalese businesswoman…Read More

Bad Law Keeps People Poor

August 28, 2019

Why does most of Africa stay poor while other parts of the world prosper? People blame things like climate, the history of colonialism, racism, etc. But I say Senegalese businesswoman…Read More

Trump’s Promise

President Donald Trump promised he’d get rid of bad rules. “Remove the anchor dragging us down!” he said when campaigning for president. “We’re going to cancel every needless job-killing regulation!”…Read More

Trump’s Promise

August 21, 2019

President Donald Trump promised he’d get rid of bad rules. “Remove the anchor dragging us down!” he said when campaigning for president. “We’re going to cancel every needless job-killing regulation!”…Read More