What’s On Your Plate?

I tried meat grown in a lab.

It tastes like … well … meat.

I guess it is meat, but it’s not grown the normal way.

Scientists extract meat cells from an animal and then grow them in a bioreactor, much like ones you see in a brewery. There, the cells divide again and again until you get … meat.

If you want to try some, you’ll soon be able to.

But not in Florida or Alabama.

There, politicians banned it. Other states now may ban it, too.

“We appreciate that ban,” says Bill Bullard. He lobbies for cattlemen. In my video, he argues, “If not for Alabama and Florida (banning) it, then the meat packers would have the ability to pass it off to unsuspecting consumers as if it were indeed a meat product, which it is not!”

I push back. “But they don’t conceal it! They say (on the label), this is ‘cultivated’ meat.”

“It’s not produced in the same manner!” He replies.

So, what?

But cattle lobbyists won over narrow-minded politicians.

Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen says, “Fake-meat, petri-dish-meat folks, they’re not going to have a place in Nebraska. “

Why should politicians get to decide for everyone? If I want to try something, it should be my choice.

An artificial chicken company sauteed some chicken for me. After I tried some, I took the rest outside and offered it to people. It was my unscientific blind taste test: lab-grown versus “farm-raised” chicken from Whole Foods.

Everyone liked both. A few preferred the lab-grown. They said it was “juicier.”

So why can’t consumers in Florida and Alabama (and, if short-sighted politicians get their way, Nebraska, Arizona, Michigan and Tennessee) try it?

Florida’s Agriculture Commissioner wrote me, “If other states want to allow their citizens to be used as guinea pigs for lab meat, they have the freedom to do so. Our consumers will be protected until there is more evidence that this ‘frankenmeat’ is safe.”

Why does he get to decide? Artificial meat is safe enough that the USDA and FDA both approved it. Don’t we own our own bodies? It should be my choice!

I ask lobbyist Bullard, “Why bribe politicians to ban it?”

“It will threaten the viability of our food production,” he responds. “Government has a legitimate role ensuring that we have an abundant, affordable and safe food supply.”

Wow, another silly argument.

Lab-grown beef would make our food supply more secure because there’d be more sources of meat!

By his logic, cars should have been banned to protect the horse and carriage industry. Computers … to protect typewriter makers. And so on.

Melissa Musiker of Upside Foods, which makes lab-grown chicken, points out that they can “make the equivalent of millions of chickens.” With less waste: “No beaks, no feet, no feathers.”

And no animals are killed.

“A lot of people (have an) issue eating animal protein,” Musiker continues, “This is a way for them to literally vote with their plate.”

Exactly. We should be able to use our money to “vote with our plate.” We should get to decide for ourselves if lab-grown meat (or anything) is something we want.

Maybe we won’t like it. Then we won’t buy it.

But it’s wrong for politicians to forbid us to try things.

Photo by Mark DeYoung on Unsplash

7 thoughts on “What’s On Your Plate?

  1. This is true. DeSantis should rethink his prohibition of lab meat but he won’t because the meat producers are a powerful lobby

  2. One thing, sir. Animal meat has loads of regulations against anti-biotics. Lab grown meat requires loads of antibiotics as par tof the “formula.” If we can’r use these antibiotics on cows and hogs, why is it okay for the synthetic growers?

  3. While I agree with you on the complaint that consumers should be able to try what they want to try, I have one strong caveat. I believe clear, understandable labeling is absolutely imperative. We cannot continue to allow companies to use “natural” as a label. Cyanide is “natural”. Healthy & natural are not synonymous. Too many companies obscure their deceptive practices with deliberately misleading labeling.
    Just my 2¢.

  4. If the Covid era has taught us anything, we should recognize government agencies are not always correct in their assessments. The argument that USDA and FDA approved it, therefore it’s safe, is naive at best. This is an innovation in progress. Longer term studies are needed to be able to make definitive safety claims. And by the way, how is it that claims of bribed politicians are not placed on equal footing with claims that bureaucrats have been bribed. Great stuff. Keep up the good reporting.

  5. Okay, I agree, we should keep lab-grown meat legal. But we need to remember there’s more to what goes into what makes meat what it is than just cells and genetics. What do we FEED these dividing cells? Grass? Corn? Soy? What’s in the soil the feed is grown in. What’s in the air these dividing cells respirate? These things contribute to the flavors and the nutrients of the meat. Consumers will want to know these things. If lab-grown meat is made carelessly it will be low-quality.

  6. Yes it is real meat cells, but they are grown at an accelerated rate. Do you know what type of cells grow at an accelerated rate? That’s right… cancer cells! That’s basically what they are. Letting this get a real foothold in our food system is fraught with nightmares. Are we really willing to go there?

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